October 14
9:00 am
Sulphur Grove Church
Activity Center
7505 Taylorsville Rd
Huber Heights, OH
Help us pack 10,000 meals for Turkey & Syria!
On February 6, 2023, a 7.8 magnitude earthquake hit the countries of Turkey and Syria, followed by a second quake at 7.7 magnitude. Approximately 1.5 million people were left homeless, and the confirmed death toll was just shy of 60,000.
On October 14 at 9am, Sulphur Grove Church will join with Lifeline Christian Mission in a meal packing event, where we hope to pack 10,000 meals for those affected in Turkey and Syria. The rice-based meals are a shelf-stable, specially formulated combination of vitamins, plant-based proteins, dehydrated vegetables and nutrients that provide, in one serving, about 75% of a child’s daily requirement for a healthy diet.
We are asking that the community, as well as other local churches and businesses, join with us in this venture. Please register below so we know how many people to expect. You may register yourself, your family, or even your entire group, business, or ministry. We are also asking for each volunteer to give $15 toward the cost of the meals we'll be packing.
Hope to see you soon!
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